Voice of Norway - Urduservice Radio East A/L
Ansvarlig redaktør: Afzal Khan.
E-post: Voiceofnorway@hotmail.com / von@voiceofnorway.info
Mobil : (+0047 ) 93641241. (+0047
) 40484833
Fax Radio Øst: ( 0047 ) 69294250.
Sendetid: 1800 - 1900 Hver søndag. FM 97.3. På denne linken kan du lytte live til Voice Of Norway Radio Øst sine sendinger http://www.radio-ost.no
On Air : 1800 - 1900 Every Sunday. FM 97.3. At this Weblink you can listen worldwide live to Voice Of Norway Radio East and it's broadcasts http://www.radio-ost.no
The current Israeli ambassador to Norway. H.E Mr Naim Araidi (Arabic: نعيم عرايدي, Hebrew: נעים עריידי.
Benazir Bhutto .Pakistani politician and states woman who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan in two non-consecutive terms.
Imran Khan.Pakistani politician and chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.
The tenth President of Pakistan.Pervez Musharraf.
Pervez Musharraf.Four-star general.He served as the tenth President of Pakistan.
Kristin Halvorsen. Norwegian politician. Served as Minister of Finance from 17 October 2005 to 20 October 2009 and as Minister of Education.
Siv Jensen. Norwegian politician. Minister of Finance in Norway since 2013 and the leader of the Progress Party.(FrP)
HE Mr. Rab Nawaz Khan, the Ambassador of Pakistan in Norway.